Neon Play

We're proud to be an Hachette UK company

Searching for Neon Play on the App Store

We had a bit of a result a week or so ago when our apps were flying in the charts. If you went to the App Store and went to the SEARCH feature, when you typed in the letter “N”, the device guessed what you were searching for.

N-n-n-n-Neon Play

And rather than NGMoco or Namco or Nike or BBC News or Sky News or Next or any other huge company, the iPhone guessed “Neon Play”.

And that made us smile, giggle and feel a burst of pride similar to when your first child is born. OK maybe not quite that proud, but chuffed nonetheless.

Neon Play on the App Store

Taking the P

We also had the same for the letter “P”. You didn’t get Paper Toss or Paypal or Pacman or Ping Pong or even Pimple Popper. No, you got offered “Paper Glider” as your number one “P”.

Paper Glider App Store

All content copyright © 2010 Neon Play. Neon Play Ltd, trading as Neon Play (Company No. 7187620), incorporated in England and Wales.

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