Neon Play

We're proud to be an Hachette UK company

We're number one! (years old)

It was our birthday recently! Look, even this video says so.

Party time!

We decided to celebrate the event professionally by hosting an AGM. With Haribo. And balloons.

AGM party

All of the Neon Players and their partners were invited. As were the three important mentors (not Simon, Cheryl or Louis) that helped to shape the first year of the company. Our head honcho Oli gave a colourful presentation that touched on Neon Play's highlights of the year. It was very good. It had pictures and everything.

We were then treated to an all-expenses paid trip to an old Roman town for pizza!

1st b'day meal

Neon's final thought...

It's incredible to think what Neon Play has achieve in just one year. We're chuffed to bits to enjoy doing what we do and look forward to next year when there will be more of it!

Bigger and better games, ahoy!


All content copyright © 2010 Neon Play. Neon Play Ltd, trading as Neon Play (Company No. 7187620), incorporated in England and Wales.

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