Neon Play

We're proud to be an Hachette UK company

Knowing me Neon Play, knowing you...aha!

OK, we know we're not really local TV stars, but having been on BBC News and then BBC Points West, we know we've really made it because we've now been on the (genuinely) great Cotswold TV.

Their boss Colin Wakefield came down with a tripod, a camera and a sense of humour and did a little piece on Neon Play. It also happened to be our opening party in our new studio at the time, so that was lucky (or even planned).

Here's a pic of the filming taking place, in a kind-of behind-the-scenes type way.

Cotswold TV filming Neon Play

And here's the actual film. Lights, camera, action!

Cotswold TV filming Neon Play

All content copyright © 2010 Neon Play. Neon Play Ltd, trading as Neon Play (Company No. 7187620), incorporated in England and Wales.

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