Neon Play

We're proud to be an Hachette UK company

BBC1, BBC2 and BBC News!

Only yesterday, we got a visit from our local BBC TV news station Points West. And they came to film a piece on Cirencester's finest mobile games company. Enjoy the piece below (the Neon Play bit starts at 1.18 seconds).

Politics, shmolitics

And we're not sure what we did right, but the next day we were asked to go to a builder's yard in Swindon to feature on BBC2's Daily Politics show, so this was very grown-up. Our CEO Oli Christie has actually appeared on Daily Politics once before and he said "fartphone" live on air, instead of "smartphone" (at about 1.10 mins).

Anyway, enjoy the live TV below. Oli appears at 3.53 minutes. And he didn't say "fartphone". Yay!

And there's more...

What was amazing was that the presenter Dave Harvey wanted Oli to also be interviewed live for the BBC News channel and also live on the lunchtime BBC Points West show. All highly exciting amidst the huge builders' trucks, forklift trucks and bags of cement and piles of bricks.

How the magic works...

And here are some behind the scenes shots to see what it's like on a live news "set".

Here's one of those satellite trucks they use to transmit the interviews back to the BBC somewhere.

BBC satellite truck

Look at all the clever bits and bobs in the truck...

BBC satellite truck

Here is Dave Harvey filming his bit to camera...

Dave Harvey from BBC News

And look what he came across...

Dave Harvey from BBC News with Oli Christie


Dave Harvey from BBC News with Oli Christie

And here's Oli squinting against the bright(ish) sunlight.

Oli Christie from Neon Play on BBC News

What was quite funny was that Oli was interviewed with a lady from a recruitment firm. She was saying how tough things were. But look at the picture below. Guess who had the snazzy black Jaguar? And guess who had the mucky, dirty, battered old Passat. Yup, that Passat belongs to our Oli.

Two cars

All content copyright © 2010 Neon Play. Neon Play Ltd, trading as Neon Play (Company No. 7187620), incorporated in England and Wales.

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