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Neon Play Support

We're here to support you

If you are having any problems with any of our apps, first of all we’re very sorry. We do all we can to make our apps as fun, addictive and useful as possible, but occasionally there might of course be problems.

But we’d really appreciate if you could let us know if there is a bug, a problem or something you think might make it even better.

So please email us at and let us know which App you are playing and what the problem or suggestion is.

Or do call us on (+44) 1285 650600, but we’d rather you emailed as we’re busy trying to make more fun apps.

Thanking you.

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All content copyright © 2010 Neon Play.
Neon Play Ltd, trading as Neon Play (Company No. 7187620),
incorporated in England and Wales.

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