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Feeling influential?

Such influence!

Read all about it!

They say you should never believe anything you read in the papers. And here’s a good example!

Our wonderful local county newspaper, the Gloucestershire Echo, recently ran a piece on “The Most Influential Business People” in the county. And would you believe it (we didn’t), but the main picture on both the front cover of the paper and within the piece itself, was of our founder and CEO Oli Christie.

Oli Christie Most Influential Business Person in Gloucestershire

We don’t believe that he has any influence at all (apart from which pub we go to on Fridays), but seemingly what Neon Play has achieved in its 21 month history has made a bit of a splash (in Cirencester anyway).

Oli Christie Most Influential Business Person in Gloucestershire

Anyway, we were very chuffed to see the piece, as was Oli’s mum.

Rent a quote

Oli Christie, now feeling very influential, chipped in, “I am genuinely honoured and flattered to be included on this list along with some genuinely important people and am delighted that the games we’re making at Neon Play is getting our studio noticed.”

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Meet the team: Kris

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The next generation

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Neon Play Ltd, trading as Neon Play (Company No. 7187620),
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