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iPhone device stats

Who's playing on what?

Everyone loves the occasional stat and if it comes with a bar graph or pie chart, then it makes it even easier for a normal human being to understand.

So we thought you might like to see some stats we’ve got from both Flick Football and Flick Football Lite. And these are the breakdown of which iPhones/iPods/iPad the fun and addictive, top 10 UK app has been played on.

Quite interesting really, especially if you’re in the business of making iPhone apps. Or if you're really boring.

 iPhone and iPod device model breakdown

Rent a quote

Oli Christie, managing director of Neon Play commented, “It’s always fascinating to track what is happening with apps and these device model statistics make for some interesting reading. 

“It provides some interesting insights as well into the type of people who are playing games - as iPhones are considerably more of an investment than an iPod. Plus, the iPad clearly had a successful launch, but the numbers are quite low still.”

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