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We're in two books!

Read all about it!

Anyone can put anything on t’Internet. That’s easy. But it’s not quite so easy to get a book published.

And so we have been rather chuffed recently to feature in not one, but two books. Really.

Did we start digital?!

The first book we’ve managed to wangle our way into is a fine new business book from Crimson Publishing called “How they started digital”. And the clever authors have trawled the world for some of the biggest and best digital companies.

How They Started Digital - Neon Play

These include giants such as Twitter, EA, LinkedIn, eBay, Spotify and Zynga. And Neon Play of course!

How They Started Digital - Neon Play

Don’t ask us how we managed to squeeze in between Zynga and Pixar, but we have and we’re very happy indeed about that.

Once upon a time...

And within the fine smelling paper of this mighty book are 8 full pages about the history of Neon Play, how we started, early success, becoming the 10 billionth app download and then building on that with other games. It’s all a jolly good read, as you can imagine.

How They Started Digital - Neon Play

If you would like to purchase said book, then follow this link to Amazon.

App, app and away

OK, we're sorry about that weak pun, but the next book we're in is The App & Mobile Case Study Book, compiled by Rob Ford, who is the editor of the fab

The App & Mobile Case Study Book - Neon Play

It is a book featuring all the best apps via certain categories. And our first ever game Flick Football is in the Games section with some fairly illustrious company.

The App & Mobile Case Study Book - Neon Play

And there are a few lovely colour pages of screengrabs, stats and stories about the wonderful Flick Football. The game and its sister game Flick Football Super Save have reached 6 million downloads, which is quite a lot.

The App & Mobile Case Study Book - Flick Football

So we thank the editors and authors for including Neon Play and we are available for any book signings if you can make it to Cirencester.

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Meet the team: Kris

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The next generation

We're working in partnership with University of Gloucestershire to bring real-world expertise to their games design and development courses


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Neon Play Ltd, trading as Neon Play (Company No. 7187620),
incorporated in England and Wales.

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