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We're proud to be an Hachette UK company

We're the kids in America!

No. 1 in USA & UK!

Golf Putt Pro is USA number 1!!!

We're not quite sure what to do with ourselves. But Golf Putt Pro is the number one free game in the US of A. And the UK. And lots of other places too.

We've already got Kool & the Gang and "Celebration" playing on Spotify, plus we've blown our vuvuzela out of the window on Cirencester High Street (that shook them up), but apart from that and a Methuzallah of champagne, we're just rather (and hopefully understandably) chuffed.

Golf Putt Pro


Golf Putt Pro

Quote me on this!

Oli Christie, managing director of Neon Play, chirped, "We've reached one of the greatest moments in our short history. Number one in both the USA and UK is something to be honest we only dreamed of, so this is a great day for the Neon Play team. Proud as punch".

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The next generation

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Neon Play Ltd, trading as Neon Play (Company No. 7187620),
incorporated in England and Wales.

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